

reputable wine brand in australia

The Pettavel winery enhances its historical origins as far back as 1842 when David Pettavel settled in Victoria successfully planted the first commercial vineyards. From the reception Prince Duke of Edinburgh in 1867 to treat 5 Prime Ministers in recent years, Pettavel as a long-standing brand has engraved all the historical imprints of kangaroos with events.

Mr. David Louise Pettavel, leading a group of skilled Swiss craftsmen, founded one of Australia’s earliest wineries in Geelong and later the Yarra Valley. Together these men built an unprecedented glory of winemaking in the new world. Historical development and entrepreneurial spirit of Pettavel was recognized as one of three companies in the industry pioneer Australian wine. His achievements are also chronicled in history, and even recorded in The Australian People, etc. His award-winning articles have also been published and works are kept in all major libraries in many countries.

Now, as one of the main wineries around Melbourne, Pettavel owns the Yarra Glen Meroo Vineyard, Geelong Strathmore Vineyard, Anakie Staughton Vale Vineyard. Pettavel has four main wines including Reserve, Premium, Estate and Meroo. Pettavel also offer wine and wine in bulk to manufacturers of local wine in the Yarra Valley and Geelong.
In recent years, Pettavel Wine has won numerous awards in national and international as the winery 5 stars James Halliday. Petavel Wine brands have conquered the various market segments worldwide, including difficult markets and has a long tradition as European wines – typically Swiss.

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